by Leslie Wayne Doliber

Stars of Tvestra

On the edge of a distant galaxy is a binary star system locally known as Tvestra. This small system is comprised of Tvestra Solana and Tvestra Primera and a collection of seven planets. Three of these planets are habitable. The planets are smaller than our earth and have lower gravity and a thinner atmosphere. There are also several moons known as lumas around some of the planets. The system is populated by Sinmenian's which are like us in form, but smaller and able to breathe in the lower density atmosphere of their worlds. Their home world was originally Sinmenia which orbits Tvestra Solana. Solameina also orbits Tvestra Solana at P-point-5 which is trailing behind Sinmenia in a co-orbit and is a colony of that planet. The two planets belong to the Solana Colonial Federation (SCF). Telameina orbits Tvestra Primera and is a former colony of Sinmenia that became independent some time ago. Its government is the Independent Primera System (IPS).

The Sinmenian's achieved space flight quite some time ago and travel between their planets in ships with large reflective sails that use the starlight for propulsion. Due to the characteristics of these small planets they are able to achieve orbital flight using rockets fueled by Dumereia. They have not discovered many things we on earth take for granted and are still somewhat at a stage of development like we were in the early 1800's. They do not have computers, radios, and only have the stars to use for navigation.

Join Tzang Lux and the crew of his interplanetary sail ship Farre on their dangerous voyages.

Stars of Tvestra ** New omnibus edition **

Combines all 3 published novellas - Mysterious Lumas, The Last Voyage, and The Lost Voyage

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